Sunday 13 May 2012

Improve your photos by editing

Hi, guys been a long while since my last post. Okay this time i'm gonna show how editing can greatly enhance or change your photographs. I decided to write this, after I was searching to post a photograph on my Facebook Page, being unable to find any good photograph i decided to edit a photo. here it is.
Unedited Photo "vuda park"
this is the photograph loaded directly from my point and shoot the Samsung L100. doesn't looks so great does it? okay i'm not any professional but after playing around in Photoshop I was able to produce some what better image, just simple editing like adjusting the brightness and contrast etc. and cropping the photo changed it. So have a look below at the edited version of the same above photo.
Edited Photo "vuda park"
The difference is clearly visible, i like the edited picture better the colour and everything else is much better here. please note that the unedited was shot with a point n shoot and it was a very old model, however with new present day models and SLR s you wont need much editing because these new cameras are much powerful and accurate and produce better results. However with proper editing your photograph can get even better. So don't hesitate to experiment with your photographs...

Some more examples of editing...
Unedited photo 
Dramatically edited photo

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