Wednesday 2 May 2012

Buying a new camera..?

 For many of you interested in photography buying a new cam would be on your minds, some of you might be happy with the point n shoot models while the more enthusiastic would love to move on to the DSLR as is my case. There are many cool models out there in the market suiting your budget n requirements, but before just going and buying a new camera you need to consider some points before finalizing your model. Here are some tips for you.

Why do you need a camera?
    Think why you need a camera after all, is it because photography is your hobby, you love photography or you just wanna capture your family picture i.e. for general use. If its just for simple purposes like family pictures etc, you could be happy with a point n shoot cameras which now a days offer great picture quality, stunning picture effects and even full HD recording.
    If you are a more or less serious photographer and wanna get more control and unleash your creative skills you can try experimenting with DSLR's (digital single lens reflex). The entry level models are right for you, CANON, NIKON and SONY offer great entry level model for low prices.

Picture quality?
    The picture quality now a days on point n shoot models is quiet good, but the SLR's with larger sensors are usually used by professionals for their quality, the main thing with larger sensors is they have a larger pixels no in number but in size, hence these larger pixels collect more light and produce accurate colors. Please note that larger megapixel count does not necessarily mean great picture quality, the picture quality depends on the sensor being used and the sensor quality.
    Also with SLR's you can shoot images in RAW means the data is stored as it is recorded on the sensor and no camera editing is done in the camera, with RAW files you can edit them the way you want using any good photography software like photoshop etc. and have complete control over the way you want your picture to look.

    If you want to experiment more and achieve great photography affects then you should definitely opt for a SLR, with an SLR you can change the lens, different lens produce different images and so on. More over handling a SLR looks cool n professional, Its gives out a message that you are serious about photography.

After you have decided why you need a camera, just inquire about the specs you want and choose the models which you find easy to use :)

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