Tuesday 25 December 2012

kambalakonda Visakhapatnam

Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary or Eco Park Located in Visakhapatnam is a Beautiful Place to visit, It is good for trekking and also located very near to the ZOO, The watch tower located inside Kambalakonda offers a great view of the area. The lake inside the pond can be enjoyed with a boat ride. The timings of the park are from 9 am to 4 pm. Here are some photos which I shot in the Park.

Note : Please be patient while the PICTURES load, they are high resolution photos and may take some time to Load.

 The first picture you see is went you go inside the park, after reaching the lake a further more steps inside with get you too this place
This place is the end of the park or the Limit for people, hence it is fenced if you wander further inside you may encounter wild animals hence entry is restricted
This the Panoramic view of the Lake 
This is the Panoramic view of the kambalakonda Eco Park as seen from the Watch Tower, This also one of my favourite picture, I created this panorama with help of 7 individual images

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Vizag R K Beach

Hello everybody, Here I have some of the pics of the R K Beach from, its the most famous beach of Vizag and a major tourist attraction, These are few pics clicked by me. Hope you like them, wanna see more of my photographs? Catch me on Facebook you like my page there, you can like through the TAB on the right column of this page

R K Beach
R K Beach Visakhapatnam

R K Beach
R K Beach Visakhapatnam

R K Beach
R K Beach Visakhapatnam

R K Beach
R K Beach Visakhapatnam

Sunday 1 July 2012

Vizag Fishing Harbour

Its been a long gap,,, I decided to do some clicking after many days and went to the fishing harbour this morning.. only to get some good photographs... here are a few :)

Visakhapatnam Fishing harbour
view from visakhapatnam fishing harbour

visakhapatnam fishing harbour
scene at visakhapatnam fishing harbour

visakhapatnam fishing harbour
boats at visakhapatnam fishing harbour

visakhapatnam fishing harbour
fishermen at work at the fishing harbour

Monday 4 June 2012

Visakhapatnam city of destiny - photos - 1

I recently went on a walk at the RK beach of visakhapatnam and made some pictures with my new camers, here are a few :)

VISAKHAPATNAM - King George Hospital

VISAKHAPATNAM - King George Hospital




Sunday 20 May 2012

Nikon D5100 sample photos

I was so very busy experiment with my first ever SLR the superb Nikon D5100 that i forgot post anything about it. Its Like a dream come true getting my first SLR after a long wait. I clicked some pictures and found the performance to be amazing, It was very difficult to chose between the CANON 550D and the NIKON D5100 but I finally chose D5100 based on personal preference. Here I present to you some picture I clicked with my new SLR.
d5100 sample photo
d5100 sample photo

d5100 sample photo

d5100 sample photo

d5100 sample photo

d5100 sample photo

d5100 sample photo

d5100 sample photo

Sunday 13 May 2012

Improve your photos by editing

Hi, guys been a long while since my last post. Okay this time i'm gonna show how editing can greatly enhance or change your photographs. I decided to write this, after I was searching to post a photograph on my Facebook Page, being unable to find any good photograph i decided to edit a photo. here it is.
Unedited Photo "vuda park"
this is the photograph loaded directly from my point and shoot the Samsung L100. doesn't looks so great does it? okay i'm not any professional but after playing around in Photoshop I was able to produce some what better image, just simple editing like adjusting the brightness and contrast etc. and cropping the photo changed it. So have a look below at the edited version of the same above photo.
Edited Photo "vuda park"
The difference is clearly visible, i like the edited picture better the colour and everything else is much better here. please note that the unedited was shot with a point n shoot and it was a very old model, however with new present day models and SLR s you wont need much editing because these new cameras are much powerful and accurate and produce better results. However with proper editing your photograph can get even better. So don't hesitate to experiment with your photographs...

Some more examples of editing...
Unedited photo 
Dramatically edited photo

Saturday 5 May 2012

Ghost Photography Trick

Hey guys, welcome again. Yesterday I was just going through old folders of my desktop where I discovered my long lost ghost photographs, LOL they are'nt really ghost photographs actually, just me experimenting with the camera using long exposure or what others might call as slow shutter speed. Its fun, so I though it would be nice sharing some of the pictures.

The picture you see here is of myself, which is almost 2 - 3 years old. What I did here is used a shutter speed of 8seconds along with automatic shutter of 10 seconds, having pressed the shutter I sat before the camera. As the camera started capturing the image I sat there for 4 seconds and the remaining 4 seconds was recorded without me, Hence the result. Note that you have to use lowest possible iso and the smallest apperture. Also make sure that you capture the image in a dark room for good results.

ghost photography
This second picture actually looks like a sword swipe from some action game (like prince of persia :P). This is a 4 second exposure and the light is me rotating a candle. Its a result of me playing with the camera during powercut.

ghost photography

This third image again is similar to the first one, same settings etc. I like this one more.

ghost photography

This final pic was captured in my cousin's home, was just tampering with the camera settings. Shot this in negative mode. May not look like a ghost photograph but it has got some eerie look in it.

ghost photography

What I get to learn from here is just keep on experimenting you never know when you get a good unexpected shot ;)

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Trip to Jagdalpur

Hi guys, the trip to JAGDALPUR was one of my memorable trip I had. It was sometime during last year I dont remember the exact time, here are some pics from the trip. At that I only had a SAMSUNG L100 cam with me, which was in a poor condition due to over use. So dont mind the picture quality anyways i thought the pictures are worth sharing after all it is a photography blog.

Here it goes, we decided to travel by train which is usually crowded all the time, people climb every where up, down every where. We decided to let the people sit on the berth above us and after sometime this is what happened.
I dont I need to say anything else about what happened, you can read everything from their expressions. The beginning was a bit suffocating but later as we reached higher altitudes into the mountains, the trip was very pleasant. This rail route is one of the scenic routes in India, You can feel the freshness of the mountains right in your face, Have a look.
 We reached our destination Jagdalpur on time, the train usually runs late but we were lucky enough to reach on time. Jagdalpur is a small town in CHHATTISGARH, but its growing rapidly these days. After taking rest I went to nearby fields with the local people, The sunset was pretty cool so I captured it.
Next day our main trip in Jagdalpur began, we were going to KANGER VALLEY NATIONAL PARK its a very nice place with the route passing through jungle full of wild animals, I was unlucky though not having spotted any wild animals. The route to the national park was enjoyable.
The was very cool as I had never been to such places before, The feel of the jungle was just amazing. Makes me feel as if I'm in African Jungle.
Deep inside the jungle was the KUTUMSAR CAVES (sorry wiki was not available) these are underground caves, and The experience was just amazing. The entrance to the cave was through a narrow passage.
My mom n older ones were hesitant to enter the cave but I could not be stopped cause the thrill of exploring an underground cave was calling out loud to me. Deep under the narrow passage the entrance is even narrorer about 1meter hole. But its quite a large place inside.
 It was very dark inside n I used 8seconds exposure to get this image, You travel inside only with the help of guides who guide you with the help of lanterns they have, there are many interesting structures inside but I could not photograph them. After the caves we went to TEERATHGARH FALLS which is one of the famous tourist destination from JAGDALPUR.
The weather was good and the sky was beautiful.
We ventured downwards to reach a pool where we had a good fun time. The flow was less so we were able to play in those waters.
After having a superb trip, we spent one more day in JAGDALPUR before finally returning home and we the return journey back home was not as bright n sunny, cause it was raining, But I loved the rain also
Having travelled all these places I had a wonderful time and an everlasting memory of the TRIP TO JAGDALPUR :)